Reading has always been one of my more enjoyable activities. During my working life most of it was technical or contractual in nature.
Not a whole lot of fiction or fantasy there.

A couple of areas that I particularly enjoyed were Self Development and Financial books. Since taking up bike riding two days a week with a neighbour, a retired school teacher, some history has been added to the list.

The internet and modern communication has vastly changed the way we access and reference information.
Sadly, books seem to have taken a back seat for many people.

Google and similar sites provide vast quantities of information without the need to turn a page.
In fact there are now folk who have never really been introduced to books.

Amazon Kindle and other eReaders have changed the way many access books and, on balance, they are useful.
For example, when travelling, an eReader lets you take a whole library with you for less weight than one good tome.

However none of these things can ever replace the quiet enjoyment of turning the pages of a good book in your hand while seated in your favourite spot.

Reading is a vital skill for us to acquire but unfortunately some just don’t quite get there which frequently limits their opportunities and options going forward.

Pre-school aged children can often learn to read at an early age by an adult regularly reading stories aloud to them. If you want to learn more about this important concept I recommend the book Reading Magic by the Australian author Mem Fox.
You can get it on Amazon Here or try The Book Depository if that works better.

In the first Partnership to Success week John Thornhill recommends we read The Go-Giver published by Penguin Business, authors Bob Burg and John David Mann

Sub-titled ‘A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea’ it is a parable about the real basis for success in this world.
Joe, the principal character, considers himself a Go-getter (read dog eat dog) as he tries to make his way in the business world.

Faced with a looming end of quarter report that is falling short of his target Joe sets out to get some ‘leverage’ and ‘clout’ from an influential business acquaintance. This encounter proves to be very different to what he expected.

In his lunch hour over the next week Joe is introduced to a number of people each of whom is an example of one of the five laws of success. They all run counter to his Go-Getter mindset.

The five areas concerned are:

  1. Value – How your true worth is determined
  2. Compensation – How your income is set
  3. Influence – How you value other peoples’ interests
  4. Authenticity – The most valuable gift you have
  5. Receptivity – Staying open to receiving

Each is dealt with in detail in a section of its own, usually with a practical application, in the life of the person concerned.

In this magic little book of 122 pages there is a lot to learn and digest.
If you are at all interested in improving and growing ALL areas of your life I suggest you cannot go wrong reading it from cover to cover.

The Go-Giver is also available both on Amazon and The Book Depository.
If you choose to read it do let me know what you think.
I thought it was a well put together little volume that could have practical application for everyone.

Talk to you again soon

Ian Whyte

If you would like to know more about this  topic click the link to John Thornhill’s training  to see what he provides.

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