This the very first post on my blog at the start of a completely new phase for me.

I have always been technically orientated and found the challenge of achieving solutions for those sort of things really enjoyable.

Generally I am quite comfortable with my own company. Most of my interaction with others, outside of home and family, has been of a professional and technical nature. Social interaction being of limited interest.

Having just past the 75 year mark one of the challenges going forward is what will last longer – the money or your life. Theoretically one should pass on as your last dollar is spent. The practical reality is different.

Many older folk outlive their income stream and live their later years extremely frugally. Others, through no fault of their own, have lost their nest egg and face a bleak future even before they reach retirement.

To avoid this potential outcome I have been trying to make some sort of income on the internet for about eight years. A variety of options have been attempted, considerable dollars spent and a few glimmers of hope seen. But nothing provided a sustainable income stream.

Recently I came across John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success webinar that gives 12 months training with a guaranteed outcome. Provided you do the work.

I committed to the course this week. Starting this blog is the outcome of week one’s training hence this first post.

If you are interested why not follow along and see how things go. Feel free to make comments below and ask questions if you want to know more. That way we will all learn from the experience.

Talk to you again soon

Ian Whyte

    2 replies to "Welcome to my First Post"

    • Alison Winmill

      Be interesting to see how this develops.

      • Ian Whyte

        Thanks again Alison for paying another visit.
        Hope you learnt something of value.

        Ian Whyte

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